A greeting card that you can write a message on the back contains a colorful round bath petal.
You can enjoy it as a bubble bath or sprinkle it like confetti.
●Iris & vanilla scent
●Package size: W100×D3×H148mm
●Contents: 12g (for one serving)
((Crazy Clearance))BISON JAPAN BAKKANTO Hot Bath Salt (60g) - 5 types A special series of...
$2.00 $3.00
ISHIZAWA LAB Suimin Biyo Anmin- Chan Bath Milk (50g) 石澤研究所 風呂牛奶安眠浴鹽 For girls who do...
HONYARADOH Winter Bath- Nemune Bath Powder (20g) About the product: Herbal extra rich bath salts...