[Product details of disinfectant deodorant mist for Odoeater sneakers]
● Since the mist penetrates deep into the fibers, it disinfects and deodorizes the bacteria that cause persistent odors.
● Prevents the growth of mold.
● Can be sprayed about 800 times.
-For sneakers
[How to use]
(1) Remove the blue stopper attached to the lever.
(2) After taking off the sneakers, spray them 5 to 10 cm apart so that the surface becomes moist as a whole. (Approximately 3 to 5 times on one leg)
* If you spray just before wearing sneakers, it may be damp.
* Spraying on the toes (toe side in shoes), which is the source of odor, is especially effective.
* Do not spray on leather as it may damage the leather. (Synthetic leather can be sprayed)
・ Do not use for any other purpose.
・ Do not touch anything other than sneakers. If it does, wipe it off immediately with a dry cloth.
・ Keep out of reach of children.
・ If you are not sure if it is leather, try to see if there are any stains on the inconspicuous part before using it. If it gets on the leather, wipe it off with a dry cloth.
・ Do not spray on the human body.
・ Do not leave in direct sunlight or in high temperature.
・ Do not refill in other containers.
[First Aid]
・ Should this get in your eyes, rinse immediately with running water for at least 15 minutes without rubbing.
・ If you get it on your hands, wash it well.
・ If you drink it, give it a large amount of water.
・ If you have any abnormalities, bring this product and consult a doctor.
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