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T'S FACTORY Miffy Garland Light 米菲Miffy 装饰灯串

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T'S FACTORY Miffy Garland Light 米菲Miffy 装饰灯串

T’S Factory Miffy米飛兔燈串是一款迷人的照明裝飾,特別適合米飛兔的愛好者和收藏家。此燈串設計精緻,以米飛兔的形象為靈感,每個燈泡均巧妙地嵌入米飛兔圖案,為您的空間增添溫馨與趣味。


  • 內含8盞米飛兔形狀的LED燈,柔和而溫馨,適合作為夜燈或裝飾燈使用。
  • 附帶USB電纜,方便連接至任何USB電源插口,即插即用。
  • 總長度達180釐米,靈活布置,輕鬆裝飾任何角落。
  • 一鍵操作,可輕鬆切換燈光模式,從常亮到閃爍,再到完全熄滅。
  • 每盞燈的尺寸為高60 x 寬45 x 深37毫米,細致入微的設計使其成為任何房間的亮點。

無論是作為禮物送給朋友,還是自用增添家居氛圍,T’S Factory Miffy米飛兔燈串都是一個絕佳選擇。讓米飛兔的溫暖光芒,為您的生活空間帶來溫馨和樂趣。

T’S Factory Miffy String Light is a charming lighting decoration especially suitable for Miffy lovers and collectors. This string light is exquisitely designed, inspired by the image of Miffy Rabbit. Each bulb is cleverly embedded with the Miffy Rabbit pattern, adding warmth and interest to your space.


Contains 8 Miffy rabbit-shaped LED lights, which are soft and warm, suitable for use as night lights or decorative lights.
Comes with USB cable for easy connection to any USB power outlet, plug and play.
The total length is 180 cm, and it can be arranged flexibly to easily decorate any corner.
With one-button operation, you can easily switch the light mode from steady on to flashing to completely off.
Each lamp measures H 60 x W 45 x D 37 mm, and its meticulous design makes it the highlight of any room.
Whether as a gift for a friend or for personal use to add atmosphere to your home, T’S Factory Miffy string lights are an excellent choice. Let the warm glow of Miffy Rabbit bring warmth and fun to your living space.

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