Every Color Treatment allows you to color your damaged hair while repairing damage. Perfect for recoloring your hair after coloring or making gray hair less noticeable! You can use it with your bare hands, so it's easy to prepare, and you can dye it in the bath. If you use it continuously, it will become darker, and if you stop using it, your hair will return to its original color in about a week.
OFF & RELAX Purifying Scalp Cleanser (150ml) 森林头皮清零液 OFF & RELAX Purifying Scalp Cleanser is...
OFF & RELAX (Limited) SPA Shampoo + Conditioner- Deep Cleanse (260ml x 2) Off&Relax 森林限定洗护套装...
OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo + SPA Treatment- Earl Grey (460ml x 2) 红茶限定洗护套装- 伯爵红茶+青瓜香...