&HONEY Melty Moist Repair Treatment (445g) Product Description The AND HONEY "Melty Repair" series is...
&HONEY Pixie Moist Silky Treatment (440ml) Product Description This product is composed of over 90%...
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((Combo Set))OLU Calm Night Repair Shampoo (475ml) + Treatment (475ml) ・Nightcap formula protects hair from...
$8.59 $12.99
((Crazy Clearance))COW Mutenka Additive Free Treatment (180g) Moisturizes the skin and smoothes the hair....
$9.99 $16.99
((Crazy Clearance))愛麗小屋七天護髮染髮劑 ETUDE HOUSE Two Tone Treatment Hair Color #2 Spicy Red
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(2021 NEW) RYO 9EX Hair Thickness Expert Care Treatment- Root Strength / Deep Nutrition (330ml)...
$1.49 $1.99
+TMR Plus Tomorrow Shampoo + Conditioner Trial Sachets- Smooth (10ml + 10g) 洗护试用小样柔顺光泽 Beautiful hair...
ANNA DONNA Every Color Treatment- Blue (160g) 固色护发素 蓝色 Description A treatment that colors while...
ANNA DONNA Every Color Treatment- Gray (160g) 固色护发素 灰色 Every Color Treatment allows you to...
ANNA DONNA Every Color Treatment- Pink (160g) 固色护发素 粉色 產品介紹:這是一款在為受損頭髮提供護理的同時進行染色的產品。用戶友好且效果令人滿意,使用方便,只需5分鐘即可完成治療,且可直接用手使用。它具有輕微且非常自然的染料,持續使用後可以自然地染髮。如果停止使用,洗頭時顏色會隨之而退,根部不會出現色差。 使用方法:在徹底潤濕頭髮後,取適量均勻塗抹於整個頭髮,充分起泡後再進行洗髮。然後徹底沖洗乾淨。 注意事項:產品包裝、規格及價格如有調整,恕不另行通知。我們會盡量及時更新產品資訊,但以收到的實物為準。使用產品前,請始終閱讀產品隨附的標籤、警告及說明。 ANNA DONNA Every...
ANNA DONNA Every Color Treatment- Purple (160g) 固色护发素 紫色 Treatment for use after shampooing for...
ANNA DONNA Every Color Treatment- Red (160g) 固色护发素 红色 Product Introduction:ANNA DONNA Every Color Treatment...
$18.99 $29.99
Japan Rakuten’s top selling hair care with over 200 million bottles sold! Light, Smooth and...
BOTANIST Rooth Botanical Scalp Serum Treatment- Airy (490ml) ルース ボタニカルスカルプセラムTR エアリー
BOTANIST Rooth Botanical Scalp Serum Treatment- Straight (490ml) ルース ボタニカルスカルプセラムTR ストレート
$1.49 $1.99
H2O & PRISM Shampoo + Conditioner Trial Sachets- Miracle Shine (10ml + 10g) 洗护试用小样 光泽修护...
HONEYQUE Honey + Collagen Shampoo/Treatment (450ml) 蜂蜜膠原蛋白洗髮/護髮 HONEYQUE Rich Gloss Honey+Collagen Shampoo The new "Honey...
HONEYQUE Honey + Protein Shampoo/Treatment (450ml)HONEYQUE 蜂蜜角蛋白深层修复洗髮/護髮 這款HONEYQUE洗髮/護髮產品結合了天然蜂蜜和角蛋白,專為深層修復受損髮質而設計。蜂蜜具有滋潤和保濕的特性,而角蛋白則能強化髮絲,讓您的頭髮更加柔順光滑,恢復自然光澤。適合所有髮質使用,讓您的秀髮重獲新生! This HONEYQUE shampoo/treatment combines natural honey and...
$10.49 $12.99
KRACIE MA & ME Latte Damage Repair Treatment (180g)
LUX Bath Glow Shampoo + Conditioner- Moisture & Shine (400g x 2) ラックス バスグロウ リペアアンドシャイン...
LUX Bath Glow Shampoo + Conditioner- Straight& Shine (400g x 2) ラックス バスグロウ ストレートアンドシャイン お試し容量ポンプペア...
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LUX Bath Glow Treatment- Moisture & Shine (490g) ラックス バスグロウ ディープモイスチャーアンドシャイン トリートメント ポンプ 490g
LUX Bath Glow Treatment- Straight& Shine (490g)
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Repair and moisturizing ingredients. For the end of the hair that has accumulated damage that...
LUX Luminique Shampoo + Conditioner- Botanical Pure (370g x 2) ラックス ルミニーク ボタニカルピュア お試し容量ポンプペア
OFF & RELAX (Limited) SPA Shampoo + Conditioner- Deep Cleanse (260ml x 2) Off&Relax 森林限定洗护套装...
OFF & RELAX (Limited) SPA Shampoo + Conditioner- Sakura (260ml x 2) Off&Relax 樱花限定洗护套装 The...
OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo / Treatment - Refresh The design of this shampoo packaging...
这款洗发水和护发护理产品旨在通过关爱头皮和发丝来提升头发的美丽。它蕴含来自日本三处温泉水,利用水中的矿物质成分温和清洁头皮,解决各种头皮问题。 此外,产品中还添加了氨基酸和国内植物精华,提供头发修复和头皮护理,促进健康头皮和美丽秀发。 为了提升您的沐浴体验,它还具有独特的黑加仑和磁石香氛,由调香师精心打造,为您创造清新甜美的愉悦氛围。 Description: A shampoo/hair treatment developed with the concept of leading to beautiful hair...
OFF & RELAX Silky Night Repair Limited Edition Box with brush (260ml x 2) 紫罗兰限定洗护+梳子套装...
OFF & RELAX Silky Night Repair Premium Hair Mask (10g x 3) 紫罗兰修复发膜 A rinse-off...
OFF & RELAX Soft & Shine Hair Oil (50ml) 护发精油 茉莉花&晚香玉 Off&Relax OR 柔順亮澤護髮油 50mlOff...
OFF & RELAX SPA Hair Mask (150g) The design of this shampoo packaging evokes the...
OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo + SPA Treatment- Earl Grey (460ml x 2) 红茶限定洗护套装- 伯爵红茶+青瓜香...
SPA TREATMENT DEEP CLEANSE 浓密的氨基酸配方深入修复发芯,酒粕提取物和茶叶提取物提供滋润,让头发变得柔韧有力 特长 专注于过多皮脂的水疗洗发水(深层清洁)。 混合了出云、汤原和阿尔卑斯三种国国产温泉水,温和清洁头皮。 使头发健康美丽,调理肌肤纹理,保持皮脂平衡的头皮。 A spa shampoo focused on excess...
OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo / Treatment - Moisture (460ml)/400ml The design of this shampoo...
SPA SHAMPOO DEEP CLEANSE 独特的W锌※胶体配方针对异味和瘙痒,抑制过多的皮脂分泌, 让您的头发和头皮清爽宜人。 ※酵母菌/锌培养物、PCA锌(保湿成分) 特长 专注于过多皮脂的水疗洗发水(深层清洁)。 混合了出云、汤原和阿尔卑斯三种国国产温泉水,温和清洁头皮。 使头发健康美丽,调理肌肤纹理,保持皮脂平衡的头皮。 A spa shampoo focused...
The OFF & RELAX Spa Treatment Silky Night Repair Type is specifically designed to repair...
OFF & RELAX Spa Shampoo Silky Night Repair Type Refill (400ml) ORスパ シャンプー シルキーナイトリペア 詰め替えOFF...
The OFF & RELAX Spa Treatment Silky Night Repair Type is specifically designed to repair...
SPA TREATMENT DEEP CLEANSE 浓密的氨基酸配方深入修复发芯,酒粕提取物和茶叶提取物提供滋润,让头发变得柔韧有力 特长 专注于过多皮脂的水疗洗发水(深层清洁)。 混合了出云、汤原和阿尔卑斯三种国国产温泉水,温和清洁头皮。 使头发健康美丽,调理肌肤纹理,保持皮脂平衡的头皮。 A spa shampoo focused on excess...
Focusing on excess sebum, this product utilizes a unique cleansing technology to achieve a healthy...
The OFF & RELAX Spa Treatment Silky Night Repair Type is specifically designed to repair...
$1.49 $1.99
Off & Relax “Deep Cleanse: Soothing Forest Bath Fragrance” The newly launched "Deep Cleanse"...
$1.49 $1.99
A blend of domestic hot spring water from all over Japan! Get a healthy scalp...
$1.49 $1.99
The OFF & RELAX Spa Trial Set Silky Night Repair Type includes a 10ml shampoo...
$1.49 $1.99
PLUS EAU Mellow Shampoo + Conditioner Trial Sachets- Smooth (10ml + 10g) 洗护试用小样光泽滋养 This trial...
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RYO Hambit Damage Treatment (180ml) Deeply hydrate the hair and give a shiny coat...