BANILA CO. Clean It Zero Cleansing Balm Purifying (100ml) (100ml) BANILA CO. 緻柔卸妝膏(紫色– 敏感肌專用)
A 3-in-1 Cleansing Balm + Purifying that Quickly Melts Away Stubborn Face & Eye Makeup and Completely Cleanses & Balances Skin in One Simple Step.
Benefits :
•Mineral oil
•Artificial coloring
not test on animals.
OFF & RELAX Purifying Scalp Cleanser (150ml) 森林头皮清零液 OFF & RELAX Purifying Scalp Cleanser is...
OFF & RELAX (Limited) SPA Shampoo + Conditioner- Deep Cleanse (260ml x 2) Off&Relax 森林限定洗护套装...
OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo + SPA Treatment- Earl Grey (460ml x 2) 红茶限定洗护套装- 伯爵红茶+青瓜香...