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OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo / Treatment - Moisture (460ml)/400ml

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OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo / Treatment - Moisture (460ml)/400ml

The design of this shampoo packaging evokes the idea of a pleasant bath in a hot spring. The colour combination of beige and blue expresses the feeling of warmth and comfort of a stone and a hot spring. The flow of hot spring water is symbolised by the gradually disappearing water wave element on the top of the product. The bottle has a grainy texture to make it easier to hold during use. The upper part of the bottle is transparent, revealing how much shampoo is left. A curved dispenser pump also adds to the vibrant look of the product and makes for a pleasant user experience.

Red Dot

Shampoo - Contains Japanese-derived plant ingredients such as rice and sake lees. A unique amino acid formula gently cleanses old sebum. Suppresses dryness and makes hair smooth and cohesive.

Treatment - With rich texture coats each hair individually, adding moisture to the core. The swell is adjusted from the core for a supple and firm finish.


楽天市場】Off&Relax OR シャンプー トリートメント モイスチャー/リフレッシュ 460ml オフ&リラックス いい香り ボタニカル  ヘアケア スカルプケア 温泉水 アミノ酸 潤い 補修 頭皮 ザクロ セダーウッド カシス ミュゲ オーアール : LuAstyle(ルーアスタイル)OR スパ・シャンプー リフレッシュ Off&Relax 温泉水 アミノ酸 国産ボタニカルエッセンス|aplshopヨドバシ.com - オーアール OR OR トライアルセット モイスチャー(スパ・シャンプー×スパ・ヘアトリートメント) 通販【全品無料配達】OFF & RELAX Hair Care ProductsOR スパ・シャンプー リフレッシュ Off&Relax 温泉水 アミノ酸 国産ボタニカルエッセンス|aplshop

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