Focusing on excess sebum, this product utilizes a unique cleansing technology to achieve a healthy scalp and beautiful hair. It blends three types of mineral spring water from Izumo, Yubara, and the Alps to gently cleanse the scalp. The W zinc colloid formulation effectively suppresses excessive sebum production, reducing the risks of odor and itchiness.
Additionally, it contains plankton extract, pyrithione, sake lees extract, tea leaf extract, and eucalyptus leaf oil, all aimed at improving the scalp environment, refining skin texture, and maintaining sebum balance. This provides ideal care for healthy, beautiful hair.
OFF & RELAX Purifying Scalp Cleanser (150ml) 森林头皮清零液 OFF & RELAX Purifying Scalp Cleanser is...
OFF & RELAX (Limited) SPA Shampoo + Conditioner- Deep Cleanse (260ml x 2) Off&Relax 森林限定洗护套装...
OFF & RELAX SPA Shampoo + SPA Treatment- Earl Grey (460ml x 2) 红茶限定洗护套装- 伯爵红茶+青瓜香...