Desk+1 Formosan Rock Monkey Keychain (Designed & Made in Taiwan)
★ Besides humans, Formosan Rock Monkeys are the only native primates living in Taiwan.
★ Grooming is not only social behavior for Formosan Rock Monkey, but breeding. They groom each other for hygiene, and female groom alpha male for mating.
- Materials: Stainless Steel & Tannin genuine leather
- Dimension: 63.5 x 38.4 x 3.0 mm
- Weight: 29.8g
台灣彌猴- 鑰匙圈吊飾 (台灣設計製造)
★ 臺灣獼猴有個圓圓的頭、扁平紅臉、紅屁股,毛色是灰中帶點金棕,四肢較黑,故有黑肢猿之稱。獼猴的兩頰有頰囊,可以貯存許多食物,等他把食物塞滿頰囊後,到安全處再吐出細細咀嚼。
★ 為了眼前美食,小獼猴,卯足全力的打包帶走,囊裝著期待和喜悅。行徑中,俐落的身手,彷彿臉上寫著「拒絕搶食」,但獼猴可是對親近的夥伴與家人毫不吝嗇,熱於分享!
- 材質:不銹鋼材質,搭配真牛皮繩

Desk+1 Formosan Black Bear Keychain (Designed & Made in Taiwan)
★ Formosan black bear are reckoned as the most representative wildlife of Taiwan. They are the largest land animals of the island and the only native bears. Its body is covered by thick black hear with V-shaped white mark on its chest.
★ Formosan Black bears are endemic in Taiwan. They are the soul of Taiwan's mountains, the characters of aboriginal legends. Wish the black loner wander peacefully in wildlife.
- Materials: Stainless Steel & Tannin genuine leather
- Dimension: 63.5 x 34.5 x 3.0 mm
- Weight: 25.6g
台灣黑熊- 鑰匙圈吊飾 (台灣設計製造)
★ 台灣才有的特有亞種,也是是台灣唯一的原生熊類,相當珍貴。台灣黑熊可以引領人們認識、關心更多的野生動物,激起民眾保護台灣山區的森林生態系。
★ 黑熊猶如一座山的精神支柱,更是代表台灣寶島的珍貴的寶物!
- 材質:不銹鋼材質,搭配真牛皮繩

Desk+1 Formosan Sika Deer Keychain (Designed & Made in Taiwan)
★ Formosan Sika Deer is a native species in Taiwan. The Chinese name came after the white spots on the back. There are lots of population in plain and woodlands, it is why there are some town named after deer.
★ The Sika deer is regarded as sacred in Japan. In their native range, Sika Deer are secure in Japan, but populations across continental Asia are endangered due to hunting for meat, hides, antler and habitat loss.
- Materials: Stainless Steel & Tannin genuine leather
- Dimension: 34.7 x 63.5 x 3.0 mm
- Weight: 26.3g
台灣梅花鹿- 鑰匙圈吊飾 (台灣設計製造)
★ 梅花鹿灰栗色的背脊、兩側都有白色的斑點,形似梅花而得名。梅花鹿膽小而機警,聽覺嗅覺很發達,奔跑迅速跳躍能力強。
★ 台灣自古以來即是鹿之島,梅花鹿曾活躍於平原及低海拔山區。梅花鹿因背上的白色的梅花斑而得名,曾被大量捕捉1969年在野外消失,只在動物園及私人養殖有台灣梅花鹿,1986年由台北動物園提供一批鹿供墾丁國家公園復育野放,目前已經逾千隻。
★ 梅花鹿為了閃躲捕獵者,練就一身滑位功夫。或許牠早已埋伏於森林中,捕獵者反被梅花鹿捕獵戲弄的對象喔~
- 材質:不銹鋼材質,搭配真牛皮繩

Notes: Images are for reference only. Colors on your computer monitor may differ slightly from actual product colors depending on your monitor settings.