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The eye shadow texture that is as soft and creamy like Gelato!
Eye shades available in two theme variants: Jewel and Café. For a dazzling look, the fruity colors to pick from Jewel, that give you a sparkly pearly eye shade, fresh for everyday look. Or if you want something more a profound, dramatic look, then the shade from Café will be your pick, which gives a smooth, milky eye shade. These soft and smooth gelato inspired texture that melts instantly without feeling flaky, the well pigmented shade is easy to work with and comes in this tiny package, easy to carry with you.
How To Use:
1. Use the index finger to apply on eyes broadly and evenly. 2. Gradate shades to appropriate eye region. 3. For dramatic, smoky eye, or point-makeup, use the middle finger to create the definition in the crease. *Start with the lightest colors and work your way to the darkest no to wash your hands repeatedly throughout the process.
TIRTIR Collagen Lifting Eye Cream (15ml) 콜라겐리프팅아이크림 TIRTIR 膠原蛋白提拉眼霜是一款旨在提拉、緊緻和保濕眼部肌膚的眼霜。富含膠原蛋白及其他有效成分,這款眼霜能有效減少細紋和皺紋的出現,同時提供深層滋潤。其先進配方改善肌膚彈性,使眼部肌膚看起來更年輕和神采奕奕。適合日常使用,有助於提亮眼部區域,減少疲勞跡象,使肌膚感覺光滑和煥發活力。 TIRTIR Collagen Lifting Eye Cream is...
PYUNKANG YUL Concentrated Eye Cream (25ml)
LOVELINER Pencil Eyeliner- Medium Brown LOVE LINER眼線鉛筆- 棕色