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BEPLAIN Mung Bean pH Balanced Cleansing Foam (80ml)비플레인 녹두 약산성 클렌징폼

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BEPLAIN Mung Bean pH Balanced Cleansing Foam (80ml)비플레인 녹두 약산성 클렌징폼 綠豆胺基酸溫和洗面乳

Product Info

Why we love it
This low pH foaming cleanser enriched with Vigna Radiata Seed Extract is suitable for sensitive skin.
No. 1 winner in the cleanser product category for eight years!
Sold more than 1.5 million only for 2 years!
It can cleanse off impurities up to 99%, even including microdust.
It offers a powerful cleansing effect that can remove sunscreen, base makeup, daily color makeup, and even microdust.
Unlike other low pH cleansers, this pH-balanced foaming cleanser is gentle on the skin while delivering powerful cleansing with Vigna Radiata Seed Extract.
It leaves skin feeling clean and refreshed.
Dermatologically tested. Its gentle formula is suitable for any skin type.
Its users provided positive comments on its rich and soft lather even with coin-sized amount, benefits as a multi-use cleanser, powerful but gentle cleansing with no stripping.
Featured ingredients
Enriched with extract and micro powder of Vigna Radiata Seed Extract, it helps purify and gently cleanse your skin.
It contains Amino Acid Polyol ingredient more than 30% to leave skin hydrated without stripping after cleansing.
How to use
1. Apply a dollop and make lather adding water.
2. Massage the lather onto your skin in gentle, circular motions.
3. Rinse off with lukewarm water.


■ 弱酸性配方,溫和清潔肌膚。

■ 有效去除毛孔髒污、油脂和彩妝。

■ 鎮定舒緩和保濕功效,幫助護理肌膚問題。

■ 適合各種膚質,包括痘痘肌。




STEP1. 潔面時取適量本品置於手中,與水一起揉出泡沫。 第二步:輕柔滾動按摩皮膚紋理。 STEP3. 用溫水洗淨。


1. 使用化妝品後如出現以下異常,請停止使用。繼續使用可能會導致症狀惡化,請諮詢皮膚科專業醫生等。 使用過程中出現紅斑、浮腫、瘙癢、刺激等異常時。 乙. 使用部位因直射光線出現以上異常時。2. 請勿用於有傷口、溼疹及皮炎等異常部位。3. 保管或使用時注意事項。 使用後請務必蓋好蓋子。我 請置於幼兒無法觸及的地方保管。請勿置於高溫或低溫場所及直射光線照射處保管。


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