Desk+1 Chess Fruit Fork Pack (6 Pieces) (Designed & Made in Taiwan)
★ Chess is a old and popular game originated in India, it came into f Arab and was popular in Europe in 15th century. The game pieces are divided into white and black sets, which consist of king, queen, rooks, bishops, knights, and pawns.
★ We make fruit forks set from silhouette of chess pieces. Eat at a relaxed pace as the movement of chess, one after one.
- Materials: Stainless Steel
- Dimension: Each: 120 x 23.4 x 1.2mm
- Weight: 16.8g
西洋棋水果叉 (精裝版) (台灣設計製造)
★ 西洋棋是世界上最流行的遊戲之一,富有文化意涵、已流傳千年之久,15 世紀開始盛行於歐洲。
★ Desk+1 把國王、皇后、主教、城堡、騎士、士兵等 6 種棋子的造形意象巧妙地融入水果叉,與該棋種相對應的武器圖樣設計、饒富趣味的視覺造型,為平淡無奇的水果叉增添高貴典雅的風格!
- 材質:不鏽鋼

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