Desk+1 Tropical Fish Clip (Designed & Made in Taiwan)
★ The tropical fish is one of the most beautiful species in the world. Among the most colorful, Clown Triggerfish is also one of the most aggressive in marine tank.
★ The clip designs capture the color and pattern from tropical fish. The clip can be used as money clip or paper clip. Guess that fish while you use it.
- Materials: Stainless Steel
- Dimension: 43 x 12 x 5mm (Package: 60 x 40 x 10mm)
- Weight: 5g
熱帶魚隨意夾 (台灣設計製造)
★ 迪斯尼電影“海底總動員”- 熱帶魚是最流行的魚類之星〜身上擁有明亮的橙色與白色色塊,以及黑色線條的美感,在海底來回穿梭,顯得繽紛亮麗。
★ 外觀設計取自各種顏色和圖案的熱帶魚,夾子可夾紙鈔、資料或發票等,亦可當成飾品配戴。
- 材質:不鏽鋼
Emperor Angelfish
Blue Tang
Pennant Coral Fish
Discus Fish
Discus Fish
Clown Triggerfish