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HONEYQUE Honey + Protein Shampoo/Treatment (450ml)HONEYQUE 蜂蜜角蛋白深层修复洗髮/護髮 這款HONEYQUE洗髮/護髮產品結合了天然蜂蜜和角蛋白,專為深層修復受損髮質而設計。蜂蜜具有滋潤和保濕的特性,而角蛋白則能強化髮絲,讓您的頭髮更加柔順光滑,恢復自然光澤。適合所有髮質使用,讓您的秀髮重獲新生! This HONEYQUE shampoo/treatment combines natural honey and...
HONEYQUE Honey + Collagen Shampoo/Treatment (450ml) 蜂蜜膠原蛋白洗髮/護髮 HONEYQUE Rich Gloss Honey+Collagen Shampoo The new "Honey...
The OR Spa series includes hair care products that use mineral-rich hot spring water from...