This vegan cleansing balm is gentle on your skin and the environment. It's formulated with ceramide for moisture, has a soft texture, and can remove heavy makeup in one step. Enriched with hydrating ingredients, it suits various skin types, including sensitive skin.
Product Features:
How To Use
1. After washing and drying your hands, take an appropriate amount onto your hand using a spatula.
2. Apply on a dry face and massage gently to dissolve makeup.
3. Emulsify by adding a little water, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.
KOSE Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil (240ml) 卸妆油- 粉色保湿 KOSE Softymo 快速卸妝油是一款輕盈、無需乳化的卸妝油,能迅速溶解臉部妝容和污垢。它含有植物性油脂,輕鬆卸除防水彩妝和毛孔中的污垢,且不會帶來油膩感。此卸妝油無香料、無著色、不含礦物油,溫和不刺激,適合各種膚質,特別是敏感肌膚。使用後肌膚清爽舒適,方便後續保養吸收,是日常快速卸妝的理想選擇。 KOSE Softymo Speedy Cleansing...
$25.99 $34.99
ANUA Heartleaf 77 Clear Pad (160ml/ 70pcs) 아누아어성초77클리어패드 Description What We Think Keep Things Simple ...
ARIUL Stress Relieving Purefull Cleansing Tissue (15 sheets)아리얼 스트레스 릴리빙 클렌징티슈 【Ariul 極淨舒壓卸妝潔面紙 】 15張簡單卸妝步驟,特別清潔技術可輕易將彩妝溶解。絕對是都市女生的恩物。商品特點:•只需輕輕一抹,一片即可一次過完成卸妝、潔面、補水三大效能,毋須過水。•用後不會感到肌膚乾澀繃緊,省時方便,不論身在何地均可確保極速完成卸妝潔面步驟。•無論男士或女士或任何年紀人士均適合使用之日常潔面步驟,更可為你帶來潔淨清新的感覺。使用方法:以一片卸妝潔面紙,輕輕抹拭臉部污垢