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((Crazy Clearance)) OKINA Long Spin Mouth Wash- Citrus Zero (Single Capsule- 14ml) 日本Okina Mouthwash 便攜顆粒裝漱口水- 柑橘味

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((Crazy Clearance)) OKINA Long Spin Mouth Wash- Zero (14ml) 日本Okina Mouthwash 便攜顆粒裝漱口水- 柑橘味

  • Convenient size to carry to school, office, camping, picnic and any outdoor activities
  • Citrus Mint Flavour
  • Anticavity mouthwash with CPC to protect against cavities and bad breath and peppermint extract keeps breath fresh
  • Okina Long spin mouthwash 100% made in Japan, Gentle on teeth and Alcohol-free
  • Uses natural sweetener xylitol. No artificial sweeteners and fluoride free
  • Addicted right after first try! Prevent bad breath with medicinal ingredient cpc and antibacterial effect of natural herb. Combine botanical ingredient peppermint extract. Bring about naturally refreshing breath

日本Okina Long Spin 隨身杯漱口水(10入) | 蝦皮購物OKINA Long Spin ROSE Mouth Wash 14ml - Reiwatakiya 東京生活館

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