RE-MENT Collections - 2 Options(2种可选)
Option1 Pokemon Terrarium Collection 13 (6 variants)
There are 6 kinds of toys.
- The 13th installment of the terrarium collection filled with the charm of Pokemon!
- Collect and decorate!
1, Pikachu & Eevee 2, Latias
3, Aron 4, Quilava
5, Oshawott 6, Jolteon

Option2 RE-MENT Secret Garden Party (6 variants)
1. Welcome to Oniwa!
2, your favorite chair
3, elegant reading time
4, swaying and relaxing
5, glitter fountain
6, specially made Honwaka blended tea
7, please have a freshly baked cookie
8, homemade cake