FILLIMILLI Flat Foundation Brush 820_N 필리밀리 플랫파운데이션브러시820_N FILLIMILLI Flat Foundation Brush 820(平頭粉底刷)是一款專業級的粉底刷,專為均勻塗抹液體、霜狀或粉狀粉底而設計。其平頭刷型讓塗抹過程更加平滑無痕,幫助打造自然、無瑕的妝容。無論是日常妝容還是專業彩妝,這款粉底刷都能提供精確且均勻的上妝效果。 產品特點: 平頭設計:刷頭採用平頭設計,有助於均勻推開粉底,避免出現刷痕,確保粉底貼合肌膚,妝感更加服貼自然。 高密度刷毛:選用優質人造纖維,刷毛密度高且柔軟,能夠輕鬆抓取粉底並均勻塗抹在臉部,達到無瑕透亮的妝效。...
FILLIMILLI 1/2 Cotton Puff (320pcs) 필리밀리 1/2 화장솜 FILLIMILLI 1/2 Cotton Puff(320片)是一款高品質的棉花化妝棉,專為各種護膚和化妝需求設計,特別適合用來輕柔地塗抹爽膚水、化妝水、卸妝液或粉底等產品。每包包含320片化妝棉,提供極高的性價比,適合日常護理使用。 產品特點: 雙面設計:每片化妝棉擁有雙面不同質感,柔軟一面適合輕柔塗抹化妝水、爽膚水,另一面則較為平滑,適合卸妝或輕輕按壓在肌膚上,達到更好的吸收效果。 高吸水性:選用純天然棉花,具有出色的吸水性,能迅速吸收護膚品或卸妝液,無浪費並且能充分滋潤肌膚。...
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KOSE Softymo Speedy Cleansing Oil (240ml) 卸妆油- 粉色保湿 KOSE Softymo 快速卸妝油是一款輕盈、無需乳化的卸妝油,能迅速溶解臉部妝容和污垢。它含有植物性油脂,輕鬆卸除防水彩妝和毛孔中的污垢,且不會帶來油膩感。此卸妝油無香料、無著色、不含礦物油,溫和不刺激,適合各種膚質,特別是敏感肌膚。使用後肌膚清爽舒適,方便後續保養吸收,是日常快速卸妝的理想選擇。 KOSE Softymo Speedy Cleansing...
UNO Whip Wash Scrub (130g) UNO 男士三合一潔面乳是一款結合潔面、去角質和舒緩保養功能的潔膚產品,特別為男士設計。此產品含有微粒去角質成分,能有效清除毛孔中的污垢及多餘油脂,溫和去除老廢角質,同時添加保濕成分,使用後能讓肌膚保持清爽不乾燥。其清新的香氣讓洗臉成為一種享受,適合日常早晚使用,幫助男士維持清爽舒適的膚質。 The UNO Men’s 3-in-1 Whip Wash Scrub (130g)...
KOSE Softymo Speedy Cleansing Liquid (240ml) Kose Softymo Speedy Cleansing Liquid is a gentle yet...
A body soap with a gentle soapy scent from Cow's Soap, which has been committed...
A body soap with a gentle soapy scent from Cow's Soap, which has been...
$11.49 $22.99
TAIYO HA Serum (10ml)太陽社玻尿酸 Help you solve the problems of dryness and tightness of the...
$20.99 $27.99
GATSBY Moving Rubber HAIR WAX - PURPLE 80 G 狂野塑型髮蠟80g(紫) Made in Japan Product Information...
$20.99 $27.99
GATSBY Moving Rubber HAIR WAX - PINK 80 G 超強塑型髮蠟80g(紅) Made in Japan Product Information...
$19.99 $27.99
KAO Men's Biore Body Foam Charcoal - Deo Body +GATSBY HAIR WAX - PURPLE 80...
$13.99 $27.99
Men's Biore KAO Body Wash Charcoal (Deo Body) Made in Taiwan Product Information -...
UNO Whip Wash Black (130g) UNO 男士淨透潔面乳 黑炭配方採用天然黑炭成分,針對毛孔堵塞與油脂問題,有效吸附毛孔內的污垢和多餘油脂,清潔力強但溫和不刺激。此產品特別適合容易出油的肌膚,能讓皮膚在清潔後保持乾爽不黏膩,避免油光。同時添加保濕成分,使用後肌膚清爽舒適,適合日常使用,幫助男士維持潔淨、健康的膚質。 UNO Men’s Whip Wash Black (130g) is...
$18.99 $37.99
Boosts Volume for an Airy Finish Improving the Suppleness and Elasticity of Your Hair ...
$9.99 $19.99
HONYARADOH 2020 AW Limited Edition- Yuzu Face Mask (2pcs) & Bath powder (2pcs) Yuzu scent...
$22.39 $27.99
GATSBY Moving Rubber HAIR WAX - PINK &Grunge Mat 80 G 超強塑型髮蠟80g Made in Japan...
$22.39 $27.99
GATSBY Moving Rubber HAIR WAX - PINK & PURPLE 80 G 超強塑型髮蠟80g Made in Japan Product Information...
$5.99 $11.99
ER Whitening Milky Lotion (120ml) X2 The micronized with vitamin C medicinal instant whitening emulsion...
$12.99 $19.99
((Crazy Clearance))ETUDE HOUSE Artist Gel Nail Sticker - ONNU x ETUDE No. 1 (1 set)...
$12.99 $19.99
((Crazy Clearance))ETUDE HOUSE Artist Gel Nail Sticker - ONNU x ETUDE No. 2 (1 set)...
$12.99 $19.99
((Crazy Clearance))ETUDE HOUSE Artist Gel Nail Sticker - ONNU x ETUDE No. 6 (1 set)...
A'PIEU Honey & Milk Lip Balm (3.3g) 蜂蜜牛奶滋潤脣膏 The A'pieu honey & milk lip balm...
$10.49 $12.99
KOSE Clear Turn Uruuru Moisture Bomb Face Mask (7 sheets) 高絲水潤爆彈面膜 7枚装 [Details...
$6.99 $10.49
KRACIE LAMELLANCE Bright Up Face Wash (110g) 葵緹亞高保濕洗面乳 Until now, the ingredients to be...
$6.99 $10.49
KRACIE LAMELLANCE Bright Up Face Wash (110g) 葵緹亞透明肌洗面乳 Until now, the ingredients to be...
$6.99 $12.59
KRACIE LAMELLANCE Premium Foaming Face Wash (160ml) 葵緹亞高保濕泡泡洗面乳 Until now, the ingredients to be...
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DHC Double HA Moisture Cream (50g) DHC 玻尿酸保濕面霜 [Product details of DHC Double Moisture...
GATSBY Moving Rubber HAIR WAX - Grunge Mat 80 G 狂野塑型髮蠟80g(灰) Made in Japan Product...
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HATOMUGI H Point Face Mask (10 sheets) [How to use](1) After washing your face, wipe...
$3.99 $5.59
((Crazy Clearance))ISHIZAWA LAB Germanium Salt bath Powder (70g) 石澤研究所 有機鍺浴鹽 (排汗) Product details Features ・ A...
$3.99 $6.59
((Crazy Clearance))ISHIZAWA LAB Germanium Bath Salt (25g) 石澤研究所 有機鍺浴鹽 (燃脂) Ishizawa Germanium Bath Salt is an...
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((Japan )) SHISEIDO Senka Perfect Whip N (120ml) Shiseido's most popular facial cleanser A white...
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ISHIZAWA LAB SQS Deep Moisture Mask (10 Sheets) 石澤研究所 SQS 高浸透保湿面膜 This sheet mask gives...
$12.49 $18.49
((Crazy Clearance))ANZU & ZAKURO Skin Lotion (500ml) 杏果&石榴爽膚水 From the Kyou and Zakuro series, it...
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COW Beauty Soap (Blue- Refresh) 85g × 3 日本COW牛乳石鹼共进社香皂三入(藍盒-清爽茉莉) Made In Japan Old-fashioned milk soap. The...
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SHISEIDO Hand Soap (260ml) 資生堂藥用洗手液 Vegetable essence moisturizes hands, helping hands stay soft and smooth even...
KAO LAURIER Soft Cotton Sanitary Pads - 3 Sizes
KAO LAURIER Slim Guard Sanitary Pads - 4 Sizes
$7.49 $11.49
TAIYO HA Serum (10ml)太陽社玻尿酸 Help you solve the problems of dryness and tightness of the...
$8.99 $11.49
((Crazy Clearance))ASHIURA Ran Run Express Horse Oil Foot Peeling Mask (30ml)馬油去角質腳膜 A foot type...
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Suitable for dry skin. The moisturizing ingredient of xylitol brings a full moisturizing effect, and...
$12.99 $18.99
((Crazy Clearance))SCHWARZKOPF Fresh Light Foam- Berry Ash (30ml + 60ml + 15g) 施華寇泡泡染髮膏 漿果灰色 Double...
$9.99 $16.99
((Crazy Clearance))SCHWARZKOPF Fresh Light Foam- Mysterious Beige (30ml + 60ml + 15g) 施華寇染髮膏 神秘米色 Double...
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COSRX Clear Fit Master Patch (18 patches) COSRX Stands for Cosmetics + RX (prescription), offers...
$5.49 $6.59
KAI Eyebrow Shaver (3pcs/pack) - Sensitive Skin / Regular Gently protects sensitive skin with a...
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PELICAN Honey Cleansing Soap (80g) PELICAN 蜂蜜滋潤清潔皂 The PELICAN Soap contains authentic and organic ingredients...
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((Crazy Clearance))((JP MASK FEST)) NAIAD Ghassoul Tablet Clay Mask (150g) NAIAD摩洛哥黏土面膜 Ghassoul is a clay...